Top Ten Steps to Prevent Political Differences from Ruining Your Family Relationships

Guest Post by Joshua Coleman, Ph.D.

“If you vote for Trump in the upcoming election, we are through.” Thus began a letter from a son to his Boomer parents. “I was somewhat willing to overlook your decision in the previous election, despite his divisive rhetoric. But, if you still fail to recognize the harm he represents, I cannot allow you to be around my children or my wife.”

Political disagreements within families are increasingly common. A 2016 Ipsos/Reuters poll found that 16% of people in the U.S. aren’t speaking to each other because of political differences. 

Blood is no longer thicker than water, especially if that water is political affiliation.  

As a psychologist specializing in family estrangement, I’ve seen political differences tear families apart. Psychologists have long understood that simply identifying with a group—no matter how small—can trigger a sense of division from others. According to a report by Pew, political identity has become the most powerful marker for determining who we associate with or reject, surpassing differences in race, age, gender, or religion. 

Here are ten key strategies for approaching these difficult discussions:

  1. Dig deeper: Instead of focusing on how much you hate your family member’s politics, try to understand what draws them to their viewpoint. Is it the sense of belonging, the certainty of their leader, or a family tradition to vote along party lines. Their beliefs may reflect deeper personal conflicts or emotional needs. When you understand what motivates them, you’re more likely to fell empathy instead of frustration or contempt
  2. Don’t get into the right and wrong of it: You can’t change someone’s mind by proving them wrong. The goal is to be seen as an ally, not an opponent. If you become confrontational, they’ll only get defensive. Instead, show that you understand their perspective, even if it clashes with your own beliefs.
  3. Validate wherever you can. Say things like, “I hear what you’re saying” or “I know a lot of people share your view.” Respectful framing opens the door for the other person to reciprocate. 
  4. Take timeouts: Make an agreement that if either person wants to exit the conversation-they can. Use the timeout to calm down and re-engage from a calmer place.
  5. Just don’t go there: Not every difference has to be litigated. Sometimes the best position is to avoid the discussion entirely. 
  6. Repair it if you blew it: if you said something hurtful, apologize.
  7. Find shared values: Despite today’s polarized environment, there are still areas of agreement. According to a report by Pew, most Americans—regardless of political party—believe corporations have too much power, support raising taxes on the wealthy, and want the U.S. to maintain its global leadership. Younger Republicans, for instance, are more likely to acknowledge climate change, favor legalizing marijuana, and support racial equality than their older counterparts. These shared values may provide ways to find common ground in a discussion.
  8. Express your limits before getting together: “Looking forward to seeing you but I’m not up for any political debates since they rarely go well.” But also, give a warning about your limits. If your family member can’t be respectful, let them know that you’re going to exit the conversation and the situation if they persist.
  9. Deliver on the limit: If you’ve provided fair warning, then you have to do what you say you’re going to do.
  10. Reinforce the positive: remind your family member that you care about them and their happiness far more than you do the areas where you differ.
Dr Joshua Coleman Headshot

Dr. Joshua Coleman

Leading Psychologist – Family Dynamics, Estrangement & Relationship Mending
Dr. Joshua Coleman is the leading psychologist on family dynamics, estrangement, communication, and mending relationships.

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Welcome to our list of the best change management speakers of 2024.

In the dynamic world of business, change is the only constant. As organizations navigate through this ever-evolving landscape, the need for effective change management becomes increasingly critical. Moreover, preparing employees for the change is crucial to the organization’s success. This is where Change Management Speakers come into play. These are seasoned professionals who specialize in guiding businesses through periods of significant transformation. They are experts in their field, armed with a wealth of knowledge and experience to help organizations manage change effectively and efficiently.

Change Management Keynote Speakers are typically hired for events to provide valuable insights into managing organizational change. They offer practical strategies and solutions, drawing from their own experiences and expertise. Their role is not just to inform, but also to inspire attendees to embrace change and drive it forward.

Polly LaBarre

  • Best-selling author and co-founder of the Management Lab
  • Sought-after keynote speaker
  • Expert in building organizational resilience and unlocking human potential
Polly LaBarre Headshot

Polly LaBarre is a change management keynote speaker, bestselling author and co-founder of the Management Lab. She is a sought-after keynote speaker who specializes in building organizational resilience and unlocking human potential. With her extensive experience and expertise, Polly helps leaders creatively respond to the forces buffeting their organizations.

After graduating from Yale University, Polly LaBarre was a member of the original team at Fast Company magazine, where she played a central role in the remarkable success of a magazine that recast the conventional wisdom on working, leading, and winning. However, over the past 20 years, she has been focused on something else entirely. Polly LaBarre developed and honed a framework for organizational capability and innovation. She is a co-founder of Management Lab, a firm that helps organizations accelerate change. She spent over ten years conducting experiments in hacking management and developing her methodology for accelerating change.

Polly’s mission for the past 20 years has been to make every kind of organization fundamentally more resilient, innovative, and inspiring. As a bestselling author, speaker, and thinker who has advised top global organizations, Polly brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to her keynote speeches. Her expertise in building organizational resilience and unlocking human potential can help organizations navigate through profound change.

Peter Bregman

  • Best-selling author/contributor of 18 books
  • Top-ranked Executive Coach
  • CEO

Peter Bregman is a change management keynote speaker, top-ranked executive coach, and the best-selling author of 18 books. He has designed, managed, and executive major change projects at the world’s leading organizations. Today, he is consistently the most-read blogger at the Harvard Business Review.

Through his keynote speeches, Bregman demonstrates how leaders can bring their most powerful skills to the table while managing change. Peter’s goal is to eliminate resistance, which is directly related to how we manage change. His strategies are easy to implement and can completely transform how managers lead, and how the organization perceives change. 

For over three decades, Bregman has coached senior leaders and their teams within the biggest names of business. He knows what challenges all leaders face, and how to overcome them. Bregman is rated among the top executive coaches and leadership speakers in the world, and organizations of all sizes benefit from his change management keynote speeches. 

Paul Epstein

  • Former NFL & NBA executive
  • 2-time bestselling author
  • Keynote speaker focusing on closing the Confidence Gap

Paul Epstein is a former NFL and NBA executive, a 2-time bestselling author, and a change management keynote speaker who specializes in closing the Confidence Gap to drive transformative business change. With his extensive experience in the sports industry, Paul has made a significant impact on both the NFL and NBA. He is highly regarded for his motivational speaking engagements, where he addresses topics such as the Confidence Gap, decision-making, purpose, and sales. 

Paul Epstein is the author of two bestselling books: The Power of Playing Offense and Better Decisions Faster. In Better Decisions Faster, Paul provides readers with a comprehensive guide to building confidence and courage through making effective decisions. The book has received high praise from renowned speaker Mel Robbins, who describes it as the ultimate guide to confidence and courage.

In recognition of his expertise and impact, Paul was named one of SUCCESS Magazine’s Top Thought Leaders Who Get Results in 2022. The Magazine named Paul alongside esteemed individuals such as Tony Robbins, Brené Brown, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Mel Robbins. His work has been featured on prominent media platforms including ESPN, NBC, Fox Business, and USA Today.

As an award-winning keynote speaker, Paul Epstein has a profound influence on his audience. He also offers leadership development and culture transformation programs for various companies and teams. Such teams include Amazon, Disney, Johnson & Johnson, the Los Angeles Lakers, NASA, Zoom, and the Dallas Cowboys.

If you’re looking to bring transformative insights to your organization, Paul Epstein is the ideal choice.

Charlene Li

  • Bestselling author of six books 
  • CEO of Quantum Networks Group 
  • Harvard Alumnus

Charlene Li is a renowned expert in disruption, artificial intelligence, and the future of work, guiding major organizations through transformative tech journeys. With an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and an A.B. degree magna cum laude from Harvard College, she has spent three decades at the forefront of significant technological shifts, from the early days of the internet to the current rise of AI.

Throughout her career, Charlene has been a pivotal figure in navigating companies through disruption. She began in the newspaper industry during its digital transition, served as a Principal Analyst at Forrester Research covering emerging tech trends, and founded Altimeter Group, a disruptive analyst firm later acquired by Prophet. She also led as Chief Research Officer at PA Consulting, enhancing their thought leadership before establishing her own firm, Quantum Networks Group.

Charlene is the New York Times bestselling author of influential books like The Disruption Mindset, Open Leadership, and Groundswell. Her insights are regularly featured in major publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, and she has appeared on national broadcasts like 60 Minutes and CNN.

In her keynote speeches, Charlene offers unparalleled clarity on complex issues like generative AI and digital transformation. Her approach combines cutting-edge research with practical case studies, providing audiences with clear, actionable insights. Charlene’s speeches are not just informative; they empower leaders to embrace change and envision the future confidently. Organizations ranging from Adobe to the World Economic Forum have benefited from her unique perspective on navigating through disruption and leveraging innovation for growth.

Geoff Colvin

  • Bestselling author of multiple books
  • Fortune Senior Editor-at-Large
  • Keynote speaker, moderator, and emcee

Geoff Colvin is a bestselling author, Fortune Senior Editor-at-Large, and a highly sought-after change management keynote speaker. With over 40 years of experience covering the economic, political, technological, and competitive forces disrupting business.

Throughout his career at Fortune, Colvin provided invaluable insights into how top leaders and companies adapt and transform to win despite the challenges they face. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and inventing the future rather than protecting the past. Colvin believes that winning companies and leaders confront reality faster than their competition.

In addition to his work as a journalist, Colvin is also a respected author. His international bestseller, Talent Is Overrated, has been published in multiple languages. He has also received recognition for his book The Upside of the Downturn. Strategy + Business Magazine named the book the Best Management Book of the Year. Colvin’s latest book, Humans are Underrated, explores the impact of advancing technology on the workforce. Also, it investigates how humans can continue to create value in the changing economy.

Mike Abrashoff

  • Best-selling author of four books
  • Keynote and motivational speaker
  • Led transformation of USS Benfold into #1 performing naval ship
Mike Abrashoff Headshot

Mike Abrashoff is a renowned change management keynote and motivational speaker who leads the most remarkable organizational transformations. As the most junior officer in the Pacific Fleet, he took command of the near-worst performing ship, the USS Benfold. Then, he successfully transformed it into the top-performing naval ship. His experiences and lessons have resonated with audiences from every industry and background.

In his engaging keynote speeches, Abrashoff emphasizes the importance of leadership and organizational culture. He challenges audiences to rethink their beliefs about leadership. Abrashoff then tailors his message to focus on various aspects such as engagement, execution, change, safety, diversity, teamwork, innovation, and accountability. His inspiring story has been featured in publications like Harvard Business Review and Fast Company.

Abrashoff is also a best-selling author with four books to his name. His first book, It’s Your Ship, has sold over 1.4 million copies. It delivers a timeless message about taking control of the things you can influence for amazing results. The subsequent books, showcase how these principles have been applied by business leaders in their organizations. His latest book, Ship Happens (co-authored with Stacey Cunningham), serves as a guide for leaders, detailing his strategies for transforming the USS Benfold into the top-performing ship.

Hanna Pryor

  • Award-winning TEDx and global keynote speaker
  • Professional executive coach
  • Dynamic workplace performance expert

Henna Pryor is an award-winning TEDx and global change management keynote speaker, virtual presenter, author, professional executive coach, and dynamic workplace performance expert. With a science-based approach, Pryor’s keynotes and workshops focus on improving strategic risk management and workplace success. Combining two decades of work experience with a playful style, her talks provide high-impact takeaways.

Pryor’s best-selling book, Good Awkward, endorsed by NFL Quarterback Russell Wilson and former HBR editor Karen Dillon, has received numerous prestigious awards, including Kirkus Reviews’ Best Book of the Year. Her TEDx talks, released in December 2022 and April 2023, have individually garnered over 100 thousand views. Covering topics such as emotional intelligence, social skills, and teamwork, Pryor’s TEDx talks highlight the power of embracing awkwardness as a secret weapon for risk-taking at work. She demonstrates how to overcome mental hang-ups to foster growth and collaboration.

Dr. Keren Tsuk

  • CEO & Founder of Wisdom To Lead
  • Organizational Consultant
  • Wellness Retreat Leader
Keynote Speaker Dr. Keren Tsuk

Dr. Keren Tsuk is the CEO & Founder of Wisdom To Lead, a leadership consulting firm that provides managers with the tools they need to increase personal and organizational awareness. With over 20 years of experience in advising organizations through change and growth, Dr. Tsuk is a recognized leadership expert and organizational consultant.

Dr. Tsuk earned her Ph.D. in Leadership in the 21st Century from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. There, she developed a holistic approach to addressing organizational challenges and tensions through mindfulness. Then, her expertise in this area led her to author the book Mindfully Wise Leadership: The Secret of Today’s Leaders. It would be named one of Simon Alliance’s Best New Leadership Books of 2021.

As a keynote speaker, Dr. Keren Tsuk brings her extensive professional and academic experience to conferences. She provides valuable coaching and lecturing on leadership. What’s more, her unique background as a CEO, founder, leadership expert, organizational consultant, wellness retreat leader, and lecturer makes her an ideal choice for conferences seeking a dynamic and knowledgeable speaker.

AK Ikwuakor

  • Google Master Faculty Trainer
  • Executive Coach and Keynote Speaker
  • Internationally Known Philanthropist and Sports Diplomat

AK Ikwuakor, also known as Coach AK, is a distinguished Google Master Faculty Trainer and an influential executive coach. His expertise spans a wide range of topics from motivation and holistic healing to business coaching, making him a versatile figure in various industries.

As a keynote speaker, Coach AK’s presentations are described as transformative, consistently leaving a profound impact on diverse audiences including non-profit organizations and Fortune 100 companies. His approach integrates motivation with practical business strategies, enhancing both personal and professional growth among his listeners.

With travels to over thirty countries, Coach AK has enriched lives across the globe—ranging from corporate executives to victims affected by terrorism. He challenges individuals to rethink their self-perception and strive for the best version of themselves.

Coach AK Ikwuakor continues to be one of the most sought-after keynote speakers and facilitators worldwide due to his dynamic ability to inspire and transform audiences.

Jack Shaw

  • Top-rated business and technology keynote speaker
  • Futurist with expertise in emerging technologies
  • Author of influential books on technology and business management
Jack Shaw Headshot

Jack Shaw is one of the leading business and change management keynote speakers today. As a futurist with a career in emerging technologies like AI, he will prepare your organization for the only constant in this world: change.

As the world grapples with multiple disruptions like the COVID pandemic, war, and climate change, organizations are consequently rethinking their business models and technologies to manage disruptive change. Innovation and Technology Strategist, Jack Shaw, has decades of experience helping leaders leverage emerging technologies to transform their organizations.

A Yale University graduate, Jack Shaw has been voted one of the Top 25 Speakers and Top 5 Technology Futurists globally. In his keynotes, Jack explains leading-edge concepts and technologies. Such technologies include as AI, Blockchain, 5G, the Internet of Things, Web3, and the Metaverse in easily approachable and understandable keynotes. His current prominence is underpinned by a career spanning four decades at the forefront of AI development and its integration into the business world. In other words, Jack Shaw is the quintessential candidate for delivering transformative knowledge on emerging technologies at high-level business gatherings.

Jack’s programs integrate his executive experience in industry, technology, and consulting with his experience designing, developing, and implementing emerging technologies. In short, his multifaceted, high-level career enables him to share invaluable insights. 

Jack has presented over 1,000 keynotes and executive forums to over 300,000 top leaders and professionals in 26 countries and every U.S. state. In fact, following the initial release of ChatGPT in 2023, he emerged as a pivotal figure in AI discourse, speaking nearly 40 times in 25 states. 

Paul Sean Hill

  • Leadership evangelist, author, and keynote speaker
  • Executive consultant focused on applying NASA Mission Control principles
  • 25-year veteran of NASA’s iconic Mission Control

Paul Sean Hill is a leadership evangelist, author, and change management keynote speaker who specializes in applying NASA Mission Control principles to create high-performing teams in any industry. With 25 years of experience in high-ranking leadership positions within mission control, Paul has gained valuable insight into universal leadership challenges such as risk management, critical thinking, and leading change.

Before his time at NASA, Paul served as a U.S. Air Force Captain and satellite operations officer in the United States Air Force. During his tenure at NASA, Paul played a pivotal role in developing space station construction techniques and later led flights from Mission Control as a Space Shuttle and International Space Station Flight Director. He supported 24 missions as a Flight Director and eventually became the Lead Shuttle Flight Director for the return-to-flight on STS-114 after the Columbia accident.

In 2007, Paul was appointed as the Director of Mission Operations, where he was responsible for all aspects of human spaceflight mission planning, training, and Mission Control. Under his leadership, NASA underwent a critical transformation that revolutionized its culture, reduced costs, increased capability, and continued to conduct highly successful missions in space.

As an executive consultant, speaker, and leadership evangelist, Paul has shared his passion for learning and living leadership values with numerous leaders across various industries. He can show leaders how to apply the core ideas and values of Mission Control to boost team performance in any industry and business.

Beyond his expertise in rocket science and leadership theory, Paul offers a candid and passionate perspective on the leadership values and culture that have been instrumental in Mission Control’s impossible wins for decades.

Errol Doebler

  • Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent 
  • Wim Hof Certified Instructor 
  • Renowned Leadership and Change Management Keynote Speaker

Errol Doebler is a distinguished leader whose unique experiences as a Navy SEAL, FBI Special Agent, and Wim Hof Instructor have shaped his innovative approach to leadership and wellness. With over two decades of service in high-stakes environments, including combat zones and counterterrorism operations, Doebler brings a wealth of practical insights to his audiences.

As the founder of Ice Cold Leader, Errol has dedicated his post-service career to teaching the principles of leadership that he developed during his time in the military and the FBI. His methodology is informed by his experiences leading teams in life-threatening situations and high-pressure environments, making him a sought-after consultant for top executives and organizations worldwide.

In his compelling keynote speeches, Errol Doebler shares the critical leadership lessons and wellness strategies that can help individuals and teams achieve peak performance. He draws on his diverse background, from conducting combat operations with the 75th Ranger Regiment in Afghanistan to leading high-stakes investigations in New York City, to empower his audience with tools for effective leadership and personal growth.

Swan Sit

  • Renowned Keynote Speaker 
  • Former Head of Digital Marketing at Nike, Revlon, and Estée Lauder 
  • Independent Board Director
Swan Sit Headshot

Swan Sit is a transformative leader in digital marketing and a highly sought-after change management keynote speaker. With extensive experience as the Head of Digital Marketing at major corporations like Nike, Revlon, and Estée Lauder, Swan has spearheaded digital transformations that have reshaped the landscape of modern marketing. She is celebrated for her innovative approach in blending technology with traditional marketing to create dynamic new strategies that drive growth and engagement.

Through her compelling keynote speeches, Swan shares insights on navigating the complex digital marketplace, leveraging consumer attention, and driving substantial financial impact. Her expertise in both the analytical and creative sides of marketing allows her to provide valuable strategies that balance left-brain analytical thinking with right-brain creative innovation.

Over her career, Swan has not only led significant digital initiatives but also served as an advisor to various businesses and boards, including AdWeek’s Diversity and Inclusion Council and Worldview’s space think tank. Her global perspective is further enriched by her travels to over 87 countries, enhancing her speeches with global insights and experiences.

Currently serving as an Independent Board Director at Edgewell (NYSE: EPC) and Novabay (NYSE: NBY), as well as an Operating Partner at AF Ventures, Swan continues to influence the future of digital marketing strategies across industries. Her keynote addresses are essential for any organization eager to succeed in the digital age by embracing innovation and transformational leadership.

Alex Banayan

  • Youngest Bestselling Business Author in American History 
  • Renowned Keynote Speaker 
  • Expert in High-Performance and Personal Development

Alex Banayan is the youngest bestselling business author in American history, celebrated for his #1 international bestseller, The Third Door, which has been translated into more than a dozen languages. Recognized by Forbes’ 30 Under 30 and Business Insider’s “Most Powerful People Under 30,” Banayan is a leading authority on cultivating mindsets of exponential growth.

Through his dynamic keynote speeches, Banayan shares the transformative Third Door™ framework, teaching top corporate teams—from companies like Apple, Google, and Disney—how to unlock new levels of achievement and innovation. His approach inspires audiences to embrace resilience, perseverance, and solution-oriented problem solving, crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment.

For over a decade, Banayan has captivated audiences worldwide, both in-person and virtually, with his engaging style and actionable insights. He is highly sought after for his ability to connect with listeners and guide them toward achieving their most ambitious goals. Organizations across the globe benefit from his keynotes on transforming business practices and nurturing high-performance teams.

Whether addressing corporate leaders or global conferences, Alex Banayan’s presentations are an essential resource for anyone looking to thrive amidst change and uncertainty.

Sarah Robb O’Hagan

  • Renowned Corporate Executive and Author 
  • Forbes Most Powerful Women in Sports 
  • Philanthropist and Activist

Sarah Robb O’Hagan is an acclaimed executive, author, and change management keynote speaker, celebrated for her dynamic leadership in the sports and fitness industries. As a former executive at Nike, Virgin, and the Global President of Gatorade and Equinox, she has masterfully steered major brands through significant transformations, integrating digital innovation to redefine industry standards.

Forbes recognized Sarah as one of the Most Powerful Women in Sports, a testament to her profound impact on the business practices of globally recognized brands. Her leadership at Gatorade involved a pivotal repositioning that revitalized the brand, while at Equinox, she spearheaded a technological overhaul that revolutionized their service offerings.

Through her keynote speeches, Sarah inspires leaders to harness the power of digital tools and innovative strategies to drive their organizations forward. Her approach emphasizes resilience and adaptability, drawing parallels between athletic perseverance and business success.

Sarah carries over two decades of experience in leadership roles within iconic global companies. She understands the challenges faced by today’s executives and offers actionable insights on overcoming them. Her executive prowess and commitment to empowering women and girls through sports is unmatched. In fact, she has served on influential boards and councils including Hillary Clinton’s US State Department Council.

Sarah Robb O’Hagan is available for corporate events and motivational speaking engagements. Organizations across various sectors benefit from her expertise in driving change and fostering a culture of innovation.

Jessica Yellin

  • Emmy Award-winning Journalist
  • Founder of News Not Noise
  • Former Chief White House Correspondent for CNN
Keynote Speaker Jessica Yellin

Jessica Yellin is a trailblazing journalist, renowned former Chief White House Correspondent for CNN, and the visionary founder of News Not Noise, a platform celebrated for its innovative approach to delivering straightforward news in an era of sensationalized media.

Through her engaging keynote speeches, Yellin empowers leaders and audiences by sharing insights on Women in Leadership, the transformation in news media, and the rise of digital platforms. Jessica’s mission is to cut through the noise, offering clear and unbiased information that fosters informed discussions and promotes critical thinking. 

Jessica Yellin stands with years of experience at the forefront of political journalism. Her experience includes a decade at CNN. There she defied norms by transitioning from network television to cable news. In fact, Jessica has consistently demonstrated her ability to adapt and innovate. Her independent venture, News Not Noise, has earned accolades for its commitment to integrity in journalism. Therefore, today, she is a respected figure in media circles and a role model for aspiring journalists.

Jessica Yellin’s keynotes not only provide a deep dive into the dynamics of leadership and media but also inspire organizations to embrace change and innovation in their communication strategies. Her experience and insights are invaluable to any discussion about the future of media and leadership.

Hire the Best Change Management Speakers

At the Mollie Plotkin Group, we understand the importance of having the right speaker for your event. We offer a diverse roster of top-tier Change Management Speakers who are not only experts in their field but also possess the charisma and communication skills to engage and captivate audiences. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience, offering practical solutions and innovative approaches to managing change.

Whether you’re planning a corporate event, conference, or seminar, our Change Management Speakers can deliver impactful presentations tailored to your specific needs and objectives. They can provide your team with the tools and techniques necessary to embrace change positively and proactively.

We invite you to contact us at the Mollie Plotkin Group to learn more about our Change Management Speakers. Our professional team is ready to assist you in selecting the perfect speaker who can inspire your audience and drive meaningful change within your organization.

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Top 15 Burnout Keynote Speakers of 2024

Welcome to our list of the top burnout keynote speakers of 2024.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, in their 2024 Research Series, workplace burnout is on the rise. The SHRM 2024 study found that 44 percent of surveyed U.S. employees feel burned out at work.

Our top burnout keynote speakers include CEOs, best-selling authors, most-viewed TED Talk speakers, and many more subject matter experts.

Top 15 Burnout Keynote Speakers
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents
    Dan Harris Headshot

    Dan Harris

    Former Nightline & GMA Co-anchor
    Former co-anchor on both Nightline and Good Morning America, Dan Harris has had one of the most prolific journalistic careers.
    Henna Pryor Headshot

    Henna Pryor

    2x TEDx Speaker, Executive Coach, & Workplace Performance Expert
    Henna Pryor is an award-winning TEDx and global keynote speaker, virtual presenter, author, professional executive coach, and dynamic workplace performance expert.
    Suneel Gupta Headshot

    Suneel Gupta

    Entrepreneur, Work-Life Balance Expert, Bestselling Author, & Speaker
    Suneel Gupta is an entrepreneur, work-life balance expert, bestselling author, visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School & speaker who delivers keynotes on burnout prevention and finding your purpose.
    Polly LaBarre Headshot

    Polly LaBarre

    Author & Speaker on Reinvention, Resilience, & Employee Development
    Bestselling author and co-founder of the Management Lab, Polly LaBarre is a sought-after keynote speaker who specializes in building organizational resilience and unlocking human potential.
    Joe Holder Headshot

    Joe Holder

    Wellness Speaker, Health Consultant, Influencer
    Founder of The Ocho System, Nike Master Trainer, and wellness columnist for GQ Joe Holder is one of the most influential voices in health and wellness.
    Keynote Speaker and Author Tara Schuster

    Tara Schuster

    Best-Selling Author, Former TV Executive, Workshop Leader
    Accomplished entertainment executive, best-selling author, and keynote speaker Tara Schuster is a trailblazing voice in health & wellness.
    Former Navy SEAL Errol Doebler in a white shirt with a black jacket.

    Errol Doebler

    Navy SEAL, FBI Special Agent, Leadership Speaker
    Errol Doebler is a Navy SEAL, FBI Special Agent, Wim Hof Instructor, and renowned keynote speaker on leadership and wellness.
    Leslie Maxie in her track suit.

    Leslie Maxie

    US Olympian, CEO, Media Consultant, Sportscaster
    Leslie Maxie is a 1988 U.S. Olympian, trailblazing former Fox Sports and ESPN host and anchor, and an International Keynote Speaker. You can book Leslie today.
    Keynote Speaker Jay Shetty in a green-grey t-shirt, smiling.

    Jay Shetty

    Best-Selling Author, #1 Health Podcast Host
    Top-booked keynote speaker, best-selling author, and #1 health podcast host Jay Shetty is the premier speaker and executive coach of the decade. 

    Sandy Abrams

    CEO, Workshop Leader, Wellness Speaker
    Self-made CEO, author, and Breathe to Succeed workshop leader Sandy Abrams is a business magnate turned holistic wellness expert. Her methods have been endorsed and practiced by executives at Google, SAP, Sage Software, and the US Air Force.
    AK Ikwuakor in a grey collared shirt, smiling.

    AK Ikwuakor (Coach AK)

    Google Master Faculty Trainer, Executive Coach
    AK Ikwuakor is a Google Master Faculty Trainer and internationally recognized philanthropist whose keynotes focus on motivation and strengthening one's self-awareness.
    Keynote Speaker Madison Utendahl

    Madison Utendahl

    Award-Winning Social Media Director, Experiencial Marketing
    Forbes 30 Under 30, two-time Webby Award-winning Social Media Director Madison Utendahl is a subject matter expert in brand-storytelling, social media strategy, and experiential marketing.
    Nicole Lipkin Headshot

    Nicole Lipkin

    Organizational Psychologist, Executive Coach, Author, & Keynote Speaker
    Nicole Lipkin is an internationally recognized keynote speaker who uses her background in clinical psychology and business to redefine organizational culture and improve leadership around the world.
    Matt Newman in a jacket smiling

    Matt Newman

    Financial Services, Brain Cancer Survivor, Business Speaker
    Matthew S. Newman is a cancer survivor and wellness expert. He inspires audiences with the tactics he used to overcome the mental pressures.
    Paul Epstein Headshot

    Paul Epstein

    Former NFL & NBA Executive, 2-Time Bestselling Author, & Keynote Speaker
    Paul Epstein is a former NFL & NBA executive, 2-Time bestselling author, and keynote speaker who focuses on closing the Confidence Gap to create transformative business change.

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    Top 16 Digital Marketing Keynote Speakers of 2024

    Digital Marketing Keynote Speakers

    Welcome to our list of the top digital marketing keynote speakers of 2024.

    Digital marketing became an essential part of businesses’ marketing mix once the overall market segment of potential online customers became “enormous, highly engaged,” according to Forbes. Indeed, as of April 2024, Statista reports that there are 5.44 billion internet users in the world. Therefore, now more than ever, organizations rely on top digital marketing keynote speakers to offer their exclusive expertise at conferences, internal meetings, and expos.

    Seth Godin is a stellar example of a digital marketing keynote speaker. Leading companies value Seth Godin’s insights because of his extensive expertise in marketing, leadership, and the way ideas spread. He has authored several bestselling books on these subjects and is a popular speaker at digital marketing conferences and corporate events.

    Seth Godin

    Virtual Keynote Speaker Seth Godin in a promo for his virtual appearance for Creatio

    Renowned digital marketing expert and best-selling author Seth Godin is a leading authority on innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. With a career spanning several decades, Seth has delivered over 1,000 keynote speeches to a diverse range of audiences, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, he has facilitated transformative workshops for more than 40,000 participants.
    Seth Godin’s journey began as a pioneer in e-commerce during the dot com boom. In 1995, he founded Yoyodyne, an innovative company that engaged users through online games and scavenger hunts to promote various brands. His groundbreaking work led to the sale of Yoyodyne to Yahoo! for approximately $30 million in 1998, after which he served as Yahoo!’s vice president of direct marketing.
    Throughout his illustrious career, Seth has authored twenty best-selling books on business and marketing strategies that have shaped modern marketing practices. His latest publication, Song of Significance, released in May 2023, continues to offer deep insights into achieving business success and personal fulfillment. Tim Ferriss’s book Tools of Titans recognizes Seth’s thought leadership, highlighting his influential contributions to the field.
    Today, as a celebrated keynote speaker and a member of both the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame and Marketing Hall of Fame, Seth Godin continues to inspire audiences worldwide with his insights on navigating and leading through the ever-evolving landscape of business innovation.

    Swan Sit

    Top digital marketing keynote speaker Swan Sit has led digital marketing at Nike, Revion, and Estée Lauder. Swan Sit’s keynote speeches explore the profound shifts within the industry towards a community-centric approach to product and marketing. Then, she shows how the best brands listen and then actively respond to their target communities. Swan currently serves as Independent Board Director for publicly traded companies Edgewell and Novabay. Additionally, she is an Operating Partner at AF Ventures. Notably, Brand Innovator selected Swan as one of their 40 under 40. Having played significant roles in the digital transformation of Nike and other Fortune 500 companies, Swan sit is a top-booked digital marketing keynote speaker. 

    Swan Sit Headshot

    Rohit Bhargava

    Top innovation and marketing keynote speaker Rohit Bhargava is renowned for his expertise in marketing, trends, and fostering inclusivity. As a 3-time Wall Street Journal bestselling author of eight books, Rohit brings a wealth of knowledge to his engaging keynote speeches. Leading global forums feature his presentations, including Intel, NASA, Disney, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Microsoft, American Express, CES, SXSW, the World Bank, and Coca-Cola. Event planners and audiences describe Rohit as scary-smart yet super engaging. His humor and insightful approach even earned him comparisons to a tech-savvy Robin Williams.

    At SXSW, Rohit’s sessions are so compelling that attendees have lined up around the Austin Convention Center to hear him speak—demonstrating his ability to draw and captivate large audiences. His presentations not only inspire but also provide actionable insights, making him a perfect choice for events seeking a speaker who combines practical experience with a fresh perspective relevant to various industries. Whether delivering keynotes at live or virtual events, Rohit Bhargava consistently proves why he is a top choice for those looking to ignite innovation and embrace future trends in their organizations.

    Rachel Tipograph

    Rachel Tipograph Headshot

    Business innovator and digital marketing keynote speaker Rachel Tipograph is the founder and CEO of MikMak, a pioneering enterprise e-commerce marketing platform. With her extensive experience, Rachel has become one of the most influential figures in modern marketing, retail, and business strategy. Her insightful keynote presentations guide organizations through the evolving landscapes of these industries, emphasizing adaptation and forward-thinking strategies.

    Before founding MikMak, Rachel Tipograph made her mark as a global leader in innovation. She earned honors in Forbes’ 30 under 30 Who Are Changing the World, Marie Claire’s 50 Most Influential Women in America, and Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business. Her expertise is highly sought after at major conferences including SXSW, Internet Week, and The Corporate Social Media Summit, as well as by leading companies such as Henkel and LuLaRoe.
    Rachel’s journey to entrepreneurship began after her tenure at Gap. She embarked on a 100-day global exploration that inspired her to create MikMak. Today, she not only leads her company but also shares her experiences and insights as a top motivational speaker. Rachel Tipograph is available for booking at both corporate and private events through the Mollie Plotkin Group. Contact them today to discuss her availability and speaking fees.

    Shweta Maniar

    Shweta Maniar Headshot

    Healthcare and biotech executive and leading digital marketing keynote speaker Shweta Maniar has made significant strides in shaping the future of healthcare technology and strategy. Before her current role at Google, Shweta excelled as an executive at Genentech, where she spearheaded market growth strategies that integrated technology accelerators for therapies and diagnostics. Her outstanding contributions at Genentech earned her two Innovation Awards and the MVP Award, highlighting her exceptional leadership and innovative thinking.

    With over 20 years of experience in clinical research, healthcare, and biotech industries, Shweta brings a meticulous eye for detail, expert negotiation skills, and deep financial insight. These skills have been crucial in her role in commercial partnership strategy and advancing medical technology.

    Since July 2018, Shweta has been leading as the Global Leader of Healthcare & Life Sciences Solutions & Strategy at Google. In this role, she drives the vision, strategy, and execution of Google Cloud’s industry product strategy and go-to-market model. She adeptly leverages broad technology solutions, including GenAI, and cross-Alphabet relationships to enhance industry-specific products and deepen engagements. Recognized for her innovative approach and dynamic leadership at Google, Shweta has rapidly become a well-known figure in the industry. Her recent accolade as a 2023 PharmaVoice 100 honoree further underscores her impact as a transformative leader and visionary in healthcare technology.

    Gary Vaynerchuk

    Digital marketing expert Gary Vaynerchuk, popularly known as Gary Vee, is a visionary entrepreneur who has masterfully blended business acumen with pop culture insights to revolutionize brand engagement. As a top keynote speaker, Gary delves into the evolving landscape of consumer behavior and digital communication, offering invaluable strategies for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age.

    Gary’s journey began with transforming his family’s wine business through innovative online marketing strategies, which led to the birth of VaynerMedia in 2009. Co-founded with his brother AJ, VaynerMedia started in a humble conference room and has grown into a powerhouse digital agency serving top-tier clients like PepsiCo, GE, and Johnson & Johnson. Under Gary’s leadership, the company has expanded to over 800 employees without external funding, showcasing his prowess in building and scaling businesses.

    An accomplished author, Gary has penned several New York Times bestsellers including Crush It!, The Thank You Economy, and Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. His books provide a roadmap for leveraging the digital world to build personal brands and increase business revenue. In 2024, Gary is set to release Day-Trading Attention, where he explores the nuances of modern social media platforms. The book promises to equip entrepreneurs with strategies to exploit underpriced attention channels and capitalize on the shift towards content-driven engagement.

    Gary Vaynerchuk continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, known for his uncanny ability to anticipate market trends and teach others how to harness these insights for competitive advantage. His speeches not only inspire but also provide practical advice on navigating the complexities of marketing in a digitally dominated world.

    Charlene Li

    Renowned author, CEO, Harvard Alumnus Charlene, and top digital marketing keynote speaker Charlene Li stands as a pivotal figure in understanding and navigating the realms of disruption, artificial intelligence, and the future of work. With a career spanning over three decades, Charlene has been at the cutting edge of major societal shifts—from the early days of the internet to the current advancements in artificial intelligence. Her extensive experience as an author, analyst, and entrepreneur makes her an authoritative voice on the transformative impact of emerging technologies on business and society.

    Charlene Li’s keynote speeches delve into the complexities of technological change and its relentless pace, offering insights and strategies for businesses to thrive amidst disruption. She emphasizes the necessity of reframing strategies, leadership, and corporate culture to prioritize disruptive growth. Her approach challenges conventional wisdom with a provocative stance: Disrupt or die. Through her presentations, Charlene explores what it truly means to integrate disruption into business strategy—not just as a goal for innovation but as a catalyst for substantial growth.

    As a thought leader, Charlene Li inspires audiences worldwide by demonstrating how growth itself is a disruptive force that can redefine industries.

    Madison Utendahl

    Leading social media strategist, digital marketing keynote speaker and Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree, Madison Utendahl, is celebrated for her innovative approach in brand storytelling, social media strategy, and experiential marketing. As a two-time Webby Award-winning Content & Social Media Director, Madison has transformed the digital presence of leading brands including Refinery29, Milk Bar, Lemon Perfect, and Bandier through her agency, Utendahl Creative. This agency stands out as a female-focused branding, social media, and content strategy powerhouse that prides itself on being an Anti-Trend Design Studio.

    Madison’s keynote speeches are infused with her expertise in wellness in the workplace and burnout prevention. Her topics resonate deeply with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and teams aiming to inject more enjoyment into their professional environments. In 2019, she founded Utendahl Creative to champion these principles, emphasizing creativity and innovation in content creation without merely following fleeting trends.

    Beyond her role at Utendahl Creative, Madison is also an accomplished on-camera video host and producer. Since 2016, she has engaged with notable figures such as Arianna Huffington, Martha Hunt, and Marcus Samuelsson. Her interviews delve into meaningful discussions that highlight her unique perspective on marketing and brand engagement.

    Madison Utendahl continues to be a sought-after speaker and influencer in the digital marketing realm, inspiring audiences with her dynamic approach to building brand narratives and fostering authentic connections through social media.

    James Taylor

    Renowned as a global expert on creativity, innovation, and the impact of artificial intelligence in the business world, James Taylor stands out as an influential digital marketing keynote speaker. With a mission to unlock creative potential within organizations, Taylor has guided Grammy award-winning musicians, best-selling authors, dynamic Silicon Valley startups, and forward-thinking multinational corporations. His insights into fostering creativity have made him a sought-after figure for those aiming to drive innovation.

    James Taylor has developed a unique framework that enhances creativity across various industries, enabling companies and individuals to achieve remarkable growth. His approach not only addresses the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements but also capitalizes on them to foster groundbreaking ideas and strategies.

    Currently, James Taylor is celebrated for his contributions to the field with accolades such as The Modern ONTRApreneur Award and the S.D. Southern Award. He also holds a Masters in Business Administration, which underpins his strategic understanding of business dynamics in an era dominated by AI and machine learning.

    In his compelling keynote speeches, James Taylor explores how leveraging human creativity is essential in an increasingly automated world. According to McKinsey & Co., with predictions of significant job automation in the coming decades, Taylor emphasizes the irreplaceable value of creative teamwork in navigating and leading disruptive business models. His presentations are not only insightful but also crucial for any organization striving to thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

    Sam Rad

    Samantha Radocchia Headshot

    Industry-leading futurist and prolific digital marketing keynote speaker Samantha Radocchia, commonly known as Sam Rad, merges her expertise in anthropology and technology to forecast transformative societal changes. Sam’s unique approach combines deep technological insights with a profound understanding of human behavior, offering audiences a grounded perspective on the future. As an accomplished entrepreneur, she has held pivotal founding roles in several innovative ventures. These include co-founding LOVE, a London-based Generative AI communication platform; Chronicled, a San Francisco-based blockchain company that enhances trust in global commerce and supply chains; and Radical Next, a meta-media studio that crafts transformative stories and experiences across various disciplines.

    Sam is also the author of the #1 Best Seller Bitcoin Pizza: The No Bullshit Guide to Blockchain, and occasionally shares her insights as a contributor to Forbes. Her adventurous spirit extends beyond her professional life into competitive skydiving, with over 700 jumps to her name. Holding several patents that bridge the physical and digital worlds, Sam is recognized as a pioneer in fields such as Applied Cryptography, Blockchain systems, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Immersive Realities, and Simulations. Notably, she developed the protocols that led to ERC-721 or Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), marking her as an influential figure in digital innovation. In 2017, Forbes honored her achievements by naming her to their 30 Under 30 list for Enterprise Technology. Sam Rad’s dynamic presentations not only delve into the future of technology but also inspire audiences to embrace the radical shifts shaping our world today.

    Erik Qualman

    Top digital transformation expert and keynote speaker Erik Qualman has engaged audiences in over 55 countries, reaching 50 million people with his dynamic presentations. Known as the Digital Dale Carnegie and the Tony Robbins of Tech, Erik Qualman has a proven track record of helping organizations leverage the vast potential of digital media and technology to boost their brand visibility and refine their marketing strategies.
    Erik’s impressive career includes roles as a former professor at MIT and Harvard’s edX labs, where he contributed pioneering work that earned him an honorary doctorate. He currently holds a professorship in Digital Leadership at Northwestern University, where his teachings are integral to the curriculum of over 500 universities worldwide. Before embarking on his speaking career, Erik gained valuable industry experience in online marketing and eBusiness with leading companies such as AT&T, Yahoo, Travelzoo, and others.
    In addition to his speaking engagements, Erik Qualman is the founder of Equalman Studios, an animation studio that collaborates with top global brands like Disney, Oreo, Chase, and Cartier. As a five-time #1 bestselling author, his books including Socialnomics and Digital Leader, delve into the transformative impact of digital trends and social media on today’s business environment. His influential work in Socialnomics has been recognized globally, featuring on platforms from 60 Minutes to the Wall Street Journal and utilized by institutions like the National Guard and NASA. In 2012, Erik was honored as a finalist for the Most Likable Author Award, sharing the nomination with notable figures such as Seth Godin.
    Erik Qualman’s extensive expertise and charismatic delivery make him a top choice for organizations seeking to inspire and educate their teams about navigating the digital age effectively.

    Jesse Itzler

    Top keynote speaker Jesse Itzler has led a dynamic career spanning music, sports, entrepreneurship, and extreme athletics. Jesse’s journey began in the early 90s as a rapper on MTV and evolved as he penned anthems for major sports teams, including the iconic New York Knicks theme song Go NY Go. His creative prowess earned him an Emmy Award for the song I Love This Game, and he notably managed the legendary hip-hop group Run-DMC.

    Beyond his music and entertainment ventures, Jesse is a serial entrepreneur with a knack for transformative projects. In 1996, he co-founded Alphabet City Sports Records, which creatively blended arena anthems with historic sports calls, leading to its acquisition by SFX in 1998. He then co-founded Marquis Jet in 2001, growing it into one of the world’s largest private jet card companies until its acquisition by Berkshire Hathaway in 2009. Following this, Jesse launched the 100 Mile Group, a brand incubator that notably partnered with ZICO Coconut Water before its acquisition by Coca-Cola in 2013.

    Jesse’s passion for health and wellness is equally impressive. An ultramarathon runner who has completed over 50 marathons and several 100-mile races, he recently completed an Ultraman at age 53—a grueling event consisting of a 6.2-mile swim, 261.4-mile bike ride, and 52.4-mile run. His commitment to fitness is intertwined with his entrepreneurial spirit through ventures like All Day Running Co., which combines physical challenges with wellness experiences.

    As co-owner of the Atlanta Hawks and a bestselling author of books like Living with a Seal and Living with Monks, Jesse Itzler continues to inspire audiences worldwide through his keynote speeches on resilience, innovation, and personal development. His unique life resume not only motivates professionals across industries but also embodies his philosophy of continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

    Chris Barton

    Chris Barton, the visionary founder of Shazam and a pivotal figure at tech giants like Google and Dropbox, is a celebrated digital marketing keynote speaker renowned for his ability to turn the impossible into reality, despite facing the challenges of dyslexia. Barton’s journey is a testament to the power of innovation and resilience. His most famous invention, Shazam, revolutionized how people connect with music and pioneered the consumer AI space. His latest groundbreaking project, Guard, introduces AI technology to prevent drowning in pools—an achievement previously unattained. What’s more, as an original member of Google’s Android Partnerships team, Chris was instrumental in developing partnerships that shaped the mobile landscape. At Dropbox, he spearheaded carrier partnerships and was among the first 100 employees, significantly contributing to its rapid growth.

    Holding 12 patents, including one that enhances the Google search algorithm used by billions worldwide, Chris has left an indelible mark on the tech industry. He actively invests in startups across various sectors, including AI-driven health technologies and therapeutics for inflammatory diseases. Currently, Chris is dedicated to his third startup, Guard, focusing on enhancing safety in swimming pools through AI.

    When not pushing the boundaries of technology, Chris Barton shares his unique Start From Zero philosophy through speaking engagements. His method encourages questioning established norms and tackling challenges with fresh perspectives. In his talks, he captivates audiences with narratives on how unconventional thinking can lead to extraordinary outcomes and urges organizations to pursue transformative innovations. Chris Barton not only inspires but also instills a belief in the magic of pursuing bold, transformative ideas against all odds.

    Henna Pryor

    Top TEDx and global keynote speaker Henna Pryor is a celebrated author, executive coach, and dynamic workplace performance expert. With a career foundation in finance and accounting, having graduated with honors from the University of Delaware and holding a master’s degree from the University of Virginia, Henna initially excelled in external auditing at Ernst & Young LLP. She later transitioned into a highly successful 14-year career in staffing. Then, she broke multiple records and was consistently recognized as a top performer, including awards like Rookie of the Year and Performer of the Year.

    Henna Pryor’s keynotes and workshops are infused with a science-based approach to enhancing strategic risk management and boosting workplace performance. Known for her engaging style and actionable insights, she combines over two decades of professional experience with a playful delivery that captivates audiences worldwide. Her expertise has been shared with leading global organizations such as Google, Workday, Johnson & Johnson, and JPMorgan Chase.

    As an influential voice in her field, Henna has spoken at prestigious events including SXSW and TEDx, where she has appeared twice. She has earned many accolades such as becoming one of SUCCESS Magazine’s 2024 Women of Influence. Additionally, major publications feature her insights, like Forbes, NBC, Washington Post, Fast Company, Inc.,, HuffPost, and more.

    Today, Henna Pryor is celebrated by her clients as their “secret weapon for impossible change,” bringing transformative strategies to the forefront of business practices. What’s more, as an award-winning speaker and trusted advisor to some of the world’s most innovative companies, Henna continues to shape the future of workplace performance through her compelling presentations and workshops.

    Erica Dhawan

    “The Oprah of Management Thinkers,” Erica Dhawan is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and a top-rated digital marketing keynote speaker who has profoundly impacted the realms of 21st-century collaboration and connectional intelligence. Additionally, as the founder and CEO of Cotential, Erica has made groundbreaking insights into modern teamwork and innovation strategies. Leaders seeking to dismantle team silos, catalyze exponential growth, and foster groundbreaking innovation frequently turn to her expertise.

    Erica Dhawan commands a global presence, delivering compelling speeches at prestigious venues such as the World Economic Forum at Davos, TED Talks, and major corporations including Coca-Cola, FedEx, Goldman Sachs, Walmart, SAP, and Cisco. Her journey from a shy, introverted child navigating dual identities in Pittsburgh to a leading authority on collaborative strategies is both inspiring and instructive. Erica’s academic prowess is equally impressive with degrees from Harvard, MIT Sloan, and The Wharton School, where she has also served as a research fellow focusing on leadership and collaborative techniques.

    Her best-selling book Get Big Things Done catapulted her into the spotlight, making her a sought-after speaker for global leaders and top organizations. Erica Dhawan tailors each of her presentations to the specific audience and industry she addresses, ensuring maximum impact and relevance. Whether for corporate events or private gatherings, booking Erica Dhawan promises transformative insights into harnessing the power of connectivity in today’s fast-paced world. For inquiries about her speaking engagements or to schedule a personalized consultation via Zoom with Erica and the MPG team, contact the Mollie Plotkin Group today.

    Julie Wainwright

    A seasoned entrepreneur and a visionary in the e-commerce and technology sectors, Julie Wainwright has over 25 years of experience leading companies to success. As the founder of The RealReal, an online luxury consignment store, and Ahara, a personalized nutrition company, Julie has consistently demonstrated her ability to innovate and scale businesses. What’s more, her career includes transformative roles at Berkeley Systems,, and, where she honed her skills in brand management and strategic leadership.

    Julie Wainwright Headshot

    In her compelling keynote speeches, Julie Wainwright addresses the transformative power of embracing failure. Drawing on her extensive experience in the tech industry, she offers audiences profound insights into how setbacks can be leveraged as opportunities for growth and innovation. Julie’s approach to failure is not just theoretical but based on real-life challenges she faced while steering companies through various stages of development.
    Her talks are rich with anecdotes and lessons learned from navigating the highs and lows of the business world. Julie explores how understanding and integrating failure can drive creativity, resilience, and success. She encourages her audience to rethink their approach to challenges, viewing them not as obstacles but as essential elements of the journey to achievement.
    By sharing her journey and the strategic insights gained from it, Julie Wainwright inspires entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals across industries to transform their own failures into stepping stones for success. Engage with Julie Wainwright for a keynote speech that will change your perception of failure and empower you to achieve greater heights in your professional endeavors.

    Hiring a Digital Marketing Keynote Speaker

    We understand that every business and event is unique, so we work closely with you to understand your needs and objectives. We then match you with the perfect speaker who can deliver a presentation that is not only informative and engaging but also tailored specifically to your audience.

    So why wait? Contact us today at the Mollie Plotkin Group. Let us help you find the perfect marketing speaker who can inspire, educate, and empower your audience. Remember – in the world of business, knowledge is power. And with the right digital marketing speaker by your side, you’ll be well-equipped to take on whatever challenges come your way.

    In short: If you’re looking for a way to boost your marketing efforts and stay ahead of the competition, hiring a digital marketing speaker could be just what you need. Contact us today at the Mollie Plotkin Group – we’re here to help.

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    Dr. Joshua Coleman on Parent-Child Estrangement: How Does Divorce Affect Children? | The Michael Shermer Show

    According to the Pew Research Center, the divorce rate tripled for those older than 65 years old, reported Fortune.

    As divorces among couples with adult-children become more common, estrangement between baby boomer parents and their children has become a growing phenomenon. 

    In this podcast interview with’s Michael Shermer, Dr. Joshua Coleman covers various topics such as his own experience with estrangement, when couples should stay together for their children or divorce, and how perspectives between parents and children may differ.

    In fact, as the leading psychologist on family dynamics, estrangement, and mending relationships, Dr. Coleman has two in-depth keynote presentations on divorce and child estrangement:

    Keynote: Staying Close to Your Children After Divorce

    • Learn how to protect children from a messy divorce or troubled ex-spouse
    • Understand the 3 most important tools to keep the lines of communication open between you and your child
    • Learn how to develop a co-parenting plan with your ex

    Keynote: The Gray Divorce: Challenges and Opportunities

    • Learn how to date again when you are years out of practice
    • Reduce conflicts with adult children who don’t like the new person you’re dating or marrying
    • Discover how to use the divorce as an opportunity for growth and self-exploration

    Book Dr. Joshua Coleman now, or contact for more information on Dr. Coleman’s availability, fees, and topics.

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    Top 16 Innovation Keynote Speakers of 2024

    Top 16 Innovation Keynote Speakers of 2024

    Innovation Keynote Speakers

    Welcome to our list of the top innovation keynote speakers of 2024.

    Innovation keynote speakers are individuals who specialize in delivering speeches focused on innovation, creativity, and forward-thinking strategies. They often share insights on how to foster an innovative mindset, implement new technologies, or disrupt traditional industries with novel ideas. These speakers are typically experts in their fields, including business leaders, entrepreneurs, researchers, or thought leaders who have a track record of driving significant innovations.

    Innovation keynote speakers are hired for events to inspire and motivate the audience, provide fresh perspectives on challenges, and stimulate creative thinking. They help organizations embrace change by showcasing examples of successful innovation and providing actionable insights on navigating the complexities of modern markets. Their presence can energize an event and encourage attendees to think outside the box and consider transformative approaches in their professional activities.

    Innovation keynote speakers are commonly hired for a variety of events, including corporate conferences, industry-specific seminars (e.g., technology, healthcare, finance), and educational institutions’ symposiums. These events typically aim to catalyze new ideas, strategies, and collaborations among participants.

    Dr. Daniel Kraft 

    • 6-time TED Speaker
    • NASA-published researcher
    • Air National Guard officer

    Dr. Daniel Kraft is a highly accomplished innovation keynote speaker with a diverse range of expertise. With over 25 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research, and healthcare innovation, Dr. Kraft has made significant contributions to the field of medicine. 

    In addition to his academic achievements, Dr. Kraft is actively involved in the entrepreneurial and digital health sectors. He founded Digital. Health and serves on the board of, while also advising several Fortune 50 and digital health-related startups. As a managing partner with Continuum Health Ventures, Dr. Kraft is dedicated to funding early-stage health tech companies that aim to democratize health and improve health span for all. 

    Dr. Kraft’s passion for personalized, data-driven, precision medicine led him to found IntelliMedicine. He is also the inventor of the FDA-approved MarrowMiner device for minimally invasive bone marrow harvest and the founder of RegenMed Systems, a company focused on developing technologies for adult stem cell-based regenerative therapies.

    Shweta Maniar

    • Global Director of Life Sciences Solutions and Strategy, Google
    • 2023 PharmaVoice 100 Honoree
    • Board Member of Orthofix and RXSight

    Shweta Maniar is a top innovation keynote speaker and a proven executive and leader with extensive experience in digital health, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology. As the Global Director of Life Sciences Solutions and Strategy at Google, she leads a rapidly growing business within the most strategic and transformational life sciences accounts worldwide. Maniar is passionate about staying current with trends in medical devices, data, wearables, IoT, EHR, and machine learning.

     Since July 2018, Shweta has served as the Global Leader of Healthcare & Life Sciences Solutions & Strategy at Google. In this role, she drives the vision, strategy, and execution of Google Cloud’s industry product strategy and go-to-market model. Maniar leverages broad technology solutions, including GenAI, and cross-Alphabet relationships with industry-specific products to deepen engagements. Her innovative approach has quickly earned her recognition as a game-changer and relationship ambassador at Google. She was recently honored as a 2023 PharmaVoice 100 honoree.

    In addition to her role at Google, Shweta also serves on the board of directors for Orthofix, a global orthopedic and spinal technology company, and RXSight, an ophthalmic medical technology company.

    Seth Godin

    • 20-time best-selling author and entrepreneur
    • Inductee, Direct Marketing Hall of Fame and Marketing Hall of Fame
    • Host of a top 1% global podcast

    Seth Godin is a distinguished innovation keynote speaker, celebrated for his 20 best-selling books and as a pioneer in online direct marketing. His insights have earned him inductions into both the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame and the Marketing Hall of Fame.

    As an early innovator in e-commerce, Godin founded Yoyodyne in 1995, which he sold to Yahoo! in 1998 for approximately $30 million, subsequently becoming Yahoo!’s vice president of direct marketing. In 2006, he launched Squidoo, further showcasing his expertise in leveraging internet communities.

    Godin’s career spans over three decades during which he has delivered over 1000 presentations and led more than 40,000 people through his transformative workshops. His work focuses on effective marketing, leadership, and the power of ideas to instigate change.

    Today, Seth Godin continues to inspire as a leading keynote speaker on innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. His latest book, Song of Significance, was released in May 2023. Through his speeches and books, Godin equips audiences around the world with the insights needed to navigate and succeed in an ever-evolving business landscape.

    Charlene Li

    • Bestselling Author and CEO
    • Leading Authority in Disruption and Artificial Intelligence
    • Harvard Alumnus

    Charlene Li is a renowned thought leader in the fields of disruption, artificial intelligence, and the future of work. With an illustrious career spanning over three decades, she has been at the forefront of major technological transformations, guiding businesses through significant tech-driven changes.

    She led a trailblazing path as Chief Research Officer at PA Consulting and currently leads Quantum Networks Group, focusing on empowering organizations through innovation.

    Charlene Li is also a New York Times bestselling author of six influential books including The Disruption Mindset, Open Leadership, and Groundswell. Her insights are highly sought after by top media outlets like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, and she has appeared on major broadcasts such as 60 Minutes and CNN.

    As a keynote speaker, Charlene Li captivates audiences worldwide with her unique ability to demystify complex topics such as generative AI. She combines cutting-edge research with practical case studies to provide clear, actionable insights that empower leaders and organizations to thrive in an era of constant change.

    Lisa Bodell

    • Founder of FutureThink
    • Author of Why Simple Wins and Kill the Company
    • Global Leader in Simplification and Innovation

    Lisa Bodell is a leading innovation keynote speaker and the founder of FutureThink, an innovation research and training firm. There, they help businesses embrace change and become world-class innovators. Also, she is the author of Why Simple Wins and Kill the Company. Both highly-praised books challenge conventional business practices and encourage thinking outside the box.

    As a leading keynote speaker on simplification and innovation, Bodell has transformed the mindsets of corporate giants across the globe. Her approach to stripping away unnecessary complexity frees up organizations’ energy, allowing for unprecedented innovation and efficiency.

    Lisa Bodell’s expertise is highly sought after by major media outlets including Forbes, Fast Company and CNN. Her insights into efficiency make her a valuable resource for companies looking to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

    With a dynamic presence both on stage and in print, Lisa Bodell continues to lead conversations that inspire businesses to streamline processes and ignite their creative potential. Her keynotes not only motivate but also provide practical strategies for fostering a culture of simplicity and innovation within any organization.

    Rohit Bhargava

    • Three-time WSJ Bestselling Author
    • Innovative Marketing Expert and Keynote Speaker
    • Keynoted in 32 Countries Worldwide

    Rohit Bhargava is a renowned innovation and marketing expert, celebrated for his engaging and insightful keynote speeches. With a mission to foster non-obvious thinking, he has authored eight WSJ bestselling books that delve into marketing, trends, and inclusivity.

    Starting his career during the dot com boom in Australia, Rohit quickly became a pivotal figure in digital marketing. Then, he contributed significantly to the industry through his work at some of the world’s largest advertising agencies. Ultimately, his early adoption of social media led to the creation of one of the top 25 marketing blogs as recognized by Ad Age magazine.

    As a keynote speaker, Rohit is known for his ability to blend profound insights with humor, often drawing comparisons to a tech-savvy Robin Williams. His sessions are highly anticipated at major conferences like SXSW, where attendees have eagerly lined up to hear him speak. Rohit Bhargava is the ideal choice for events seeking a speaker who combines deep expertise with an engaging, story-driven approach to deliver actionable insights.

    Polly Labarre

    • Bestselling Author and Co-founder of the Management Lab 
    • Keynote Speaker Specializing in Organizational Resilience and Innovation 
    • Featured in Major Publications Including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal

    Polly LaBarre is a bestselling author, co-founder of the Management Lab, and top innovation keynote speaker. She has dedicated over two decades to making organizations more resilient, innovative, and inspiring. In fact, she was a part of the original team at Fast Company magazine. Through her work, LaBarre has reshaped how we think about work, leadership, and success. As a renowned innovation keynote speaker, LaBarre empowers leaders to creatively respond to challenges with her deep insights into organizational change and human potential. 

    Her work revolves around three pivotal questions: How do we support human flourishing? How do we cultivate the audacity of imagination to tackle our most intractable problems? How do organizations and individuals change how they change to become endlessly resilient?
    Over her career, LaBarre has developed a unique framework for accelerating change in organizations. She created this framework by conducting extensive experiments in hacking management through her work at the Management Lab. Ultimately, her approach helps organizations fundamentally rethink their strategies to achieve sustained success.

    Suneel Gupta

    • Founding CEO of RISE, a breakthrough wellness company
    • Bestselling Author and Visiting Scholar at Harvard Medical School
    • Investor in high-profile ventures like Impossible Foods and SpaceX

    Suneel Gupta is a leading innovation keynote speaker and the founding CEO of RISE, an innovative wellness company that earned the title App of the Year and was later acquired by One Medical Group. As a visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School, Suneel explores the crucial link between personal well-being and effective leadership. His work has revolutionized how thousands approach their health and work-life balance.

    As CEO of RISE, Suneel’s mission was to empower individuals to reset and reignite their passion for work by enhancing emotional resilience. He has significantly impacted personal health management by making expert advice from nutritionists and trainers accessible to a broader audience.

    In addition to his role at Harvard, Suneel has authored international bestsellers like Backable, which examines the traits of individuals who excel at bringing ideas to fruition. His latest book, Everyday Dharma, helps align personal actions with core values, facilitating peak performance and genuine contentment in one’s professional and personal life.

    Chris Barton

    • Founder & Creator of Shazam
    • Key Contributor to Google and Dropbox
    • Highly Praised Keynote Speaker

    Chris Barton is the innovative mind behind Shazam, the game-changing app that transformed how people discover music and laid the foundation for consumer AI technology. Not only did he revolutionize music recognition, but his latest venture, Guard, introduces groundbreaking AI technology to prevent drowning in pools.

    As the founder of Shazam, Barton’s vision was to create a world where music could be identified with just a tap on a mobile device. Despite being told by leading experts that it was impossible, he persevered, leading to over 2 billion downloads of Shazam globally. His journey didn’t stop there; Barton continued to innovate by contributing significantly to tech giants like Google and Dropbox.

    Chris Barton is also a compelling keynote speaker who inspires audiences worldwide. His talks not only share his journey of creating Shazam and overcoming challenges like dyslexia but also encourage others to see obstacles as opportunities. Barton’s unique perspective on problem-solving and innovation makes him a sought-after speaker for conferences and corporate events.

    Cassie Kozyrkov

    • Former Chief Decision Scientist, Google
    • CEO of Data Scientific
    • Keynote Speaker and Motivational Speaker

    Cassie Kozyrkov is a leading innovation keynote speaker and the former Chief Decision Scientist at Google and the CEO of Data Scientific. She is a leading expert in data-driven decision-making and AI strategy. Kozyrkov is known for introducing the practice of Decision Intelligence to Google and has since been working on projects to assist business leaders in navigating artificial intelligence. In addition to her work as a CEO, Kozyrkov is a highly sought-after keynote and motivational speaker. She is available for booking at corporate and private events through the Mollie Plotkin Group. Contact them today to inquire about Cassie Kozyrkov’s fees.

    In 2014, Kozyrkov joined Google as a statistician in the Research and Machine Intelligence division. Her focus at Google was on applied AI and data science process architecture. Over the course of almost 10 years at Google, she trained over 20,000 employees in data-driven decision-making and AI, and helped implement decision intelligence best practices in over 500 projects. Today, as the CEO of Data Scientific, Kozyrkov continues to make significant contributions to the field of Decision Intelligence.

    Frederik G. Pferdt

    • First Chief Innovation Evangelist, Google
    • Innovation Consultant to the United Nations
    • Featured in over 300 International Publications

    Frederik G. Pferdt is the first and former chief innovation evangelist of Google and a top innovation keynote speaker. What’s more, he is the innovation consultant to the United Nations. A subject matter expert in innovation– he has been an executive coach for Adidas, NASA, SAP, and the FBI. 

    As the first Chief Innovation Evangelist at Google, Pferdt’s goal was “systematizing an innovative mindset.” He motivated Google’s employees to explore new and radical ideas. Since his 12-year tenure with Google, Pferdt has built and trained communities of innovation catalysts, ambassadors, and coaches for Fortune 500 companies.

    Frederik G. Pferdt’s is a leading keynote speaker on the topics of creativity and innovation. His keynote speeches inspire audiences to invent their future. Pferdt imparts practical advice to creat innovation solutions by equipping teams with a future-ready mindset. Additionally, his presentations impart the tools to foster a culture of innovation within organizations. 

    Jim Carroll

    • Renowned Futurist and Innovation Expert
    • Customized Keynote Speaker for Global Leaders
    • Featured in Extensive Industry Research and Publications

    Jim Carroll is a leading futurist and expert on trends and innovation, known for his ability to provide deep, customized insights into the specific trends affecting various industries. With over 30 years of experience, Carroll has become a trusted advisor and speaker for major organizations worldwide, helping them align with their rapidly evolving futures.

    As a keynote speaker, Jim Carroll specializes in delivering highly tailored presentations that address the unique challenges and opportunities facing each audience.

    Jim Carroll’s keynotes cover a wide range of topics across multiple industries including agriculture, finance, healthcare, energy, and technology. His insights are backed by thorough research across various sources, ensuring that he delivers up-to-date and forward-thinking strategies. Whether discussing artificial intelligence, digital transformations, or future industry trends, Carroll equips his audiences with the knowledge to thrive in an ever-changing world.

    For organizations looking to gain a competitive edge through a deep understanding of future trends and innovations, Jim Carroll is an invaluable resource. His dedication to providing customized, insightful presentations makes him a standout speaker who truly impacts his audience’s approach to innovation.

    Geoff Colvin

    • Bestselling Author and Senior Editor-at-Large, Fortune
    • Keynote Speaker, Moderator, and Emcee
    • Expert in Economic, Political, and Technological Disruptions

    Geoff Colvin is a distinguished senior editor-at-large for Fortune magazine, where he has enlightened readers for over four decades. As a top innovation keynote speaker, he shares his deep understanding of the economic, political, technological, and competitive forces shaping business. His insights help leaders navigate the complexities of adapting and transforming to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

    With a career spanning 40 years at Fortune, Colvin’s expertise makes him a trusted voice in business journalism. He holds an honors degree in economics from Harvard and an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

    Geoff Colvin is a sought-after speaker for his compelling insights on leadership, management, globalization, corporate governance, competition, the economy, the information technology revolution, human performance, and other pivotal topics. Organizations around the world engage him for his ability to illuminate critical business insights that help shape strategic decision-making and future planning.

    Henna Pryor

    • Award-winning TEDx and Global Keynote Speaker
    • Best-selling Author of Good Awkward
    • Professional Executive Coach and Workplace Performance Expert

    Henna Pryor is a distinguished TEDx speaker, celebrated author, and professional executive coach known for her expertise in enhancing workplace performance. With over two decades of experience, Pryor combines scientific methods with a dynamic and engaging approach to elevate strategic risk management and workplace success.

    As a global keynote speaker, her presentations are renowned for their playful style fused with powerful, actionable insights. Pryor’s work focuses on improving emotional intelligence, social skills, and teamwork within organizations.

    Her best-selling book, Good Awkward, endorsed by notable figures such as NFL Quarterback Russell Wilson and former Harvard Business Review editor Karen Dillon, has received multiple accolades including being named “Best Book of the Year” by Kirkus Reviews.

    Henna Pryor’s TEDx talks, are noted for their engaging content on the power of embracing awkwardness to foster risk-taking and collaboration in the workplace. In fact, they have collectively garnered significant attention with over 100 thousand views each.

    James Taylor

    • Award-winning Keynote Speaker on Creativity and Innovation
    • Expert in Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Consulting
    • Recipient of The Modern ONTRApreneur Award and the S.D. Southern Award

    James Taylor is an internationally recognized authority on creativity, innovation, and artificial intelligence, making him one of the most prolific innovation keynote speakers of 2024. With over two decades of experience, he has guided a diverse range of clients. Such clients include Grammy award-winning musicians, best-selling authors, Silicon Valley startups, and innovative multinational corporations.

    As a celebrated keynote speaker, Taylor’s mission is to unlock the creative potential within organizations. He has developed a unique framework for creativity that has been instrumental in driving exponential growth in companies.

    Rachel Tipograph

    • Founder and CEO of MikMak
    • Recognized by Forbes’ 30 under 30, Marie Claire’s 50 Most Influential Women in America
    • Keynote Speaker at Major Conferences and Corporate Events

    Rachel Tipograph is a leading innovation keynote speaker and the founder and CEO of MikMak, an innovative e-commerce marketing platform that helps brands optimize their online sales strategies. She has been heralded as a transformative leader in business. She appears on prestigious lists such as Forbes’ 30 under 30, Marie Claire’s 50 Most Influential Women in America, and Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business.

    Rachel began her career influencing major brands at the digital strategy firm Undercurrent. She later served as a Digital Marketing Consultant at Time Warner Inc. Then, she served as Global Director of Digital and Social Media at Gap Inc. There, she significantly rejuvenated the brand’s digital presence and reduced the average customer age by a decade.

    Rachel Tipograph offers invaluable advice on leveraging digital tools to enhance business strategies and customer engagement. Her presentations not only inspire but also provide actionable solutions to foster growth and innovation within organizations.

    Hiring Top Innovation Keynote Speakers

    At the Mollie Plotkin Group, we understand the transformative power of a great keynote speaker. We have a carefully curated roster of top innovation keynote speakers who are leaders in their respective fields. These individuals are not just speakers; they are thought leaders, change-makers, and innovators with a proven track record of success.

    We believe that every event is unique and requires a tailored approach. That’s why we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and objectives. We then match them with the perfect speaker who can deliver a powerful, impactful message that resonates with their audience.

    So if you’re looking for an innovation keynote speaker who can inspire your team and drive your business forward, look no further than the Mollie Plotkin Group. Contact us today to discuss your needs and let us help you create an unforgettable event.

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