Carey Lohrenz, first female F-14 pilot.

The Best Military Motivational Speakers

Some of the best motivational speakers around are former military personnel. This is a list of the best military motivational speakers.

Why are military motivational speakers so popular? Former military and national intelligence personnel are some of the most productive and disciplined members of the private sector workforce. This is doubly true for those veterans that have decided to become motivational speakers.

In fact, veterans make impeccable speakers because of their learned discipline, charisma, and leadership skills. These speakers have endured the most extreme situations imaginable, so to them, getting an audience to feel inspired is one of their strongest skill sets.

Moreover, these military motivational speakers do more than just speak at military related events. Their wisdom and words of advice are easily applicable to the corporate world.

These speakers will help to motivate employees that are feeling down and out, and also help organizations looking to strengthen their team.

As a speakers agency we are proud to represent our veterans and public servants, from Blue Angel pilots to Navy SEAL motivational speakers. These are some of the brightest minds of the industry, making them the best military motivational speakers around.

Former Navy SEAL Errol Doebler in a white shirt with a black jacket.

Errol Doebler

Errol Doebler has over 20 years of combined experience as a Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent. After his long military career, Doebler has made a name for himself as an executive coach, military motivational speaker, and cyber security expert. 

Errol has worked with top Fortune 100 companies, professional sports organizations, tech startups, and C level executives.

As a military motivational speaker, Errol is most known for his expertise in effective leadership. In his keynotes, he discusses the science behind stress management and how it will help you become a better leader. Errol shows audiences around the world how to identify and deal with stress, before it’s too late. 

Not only does Errol help to improve the leadership within companies, but he will help you and your team build a stronger company culture. His model for building better teams comes directly from his experience as a Navy SEAL, taking that same level of discipline and trust and bringing it straight to your company!

In addition to his military expertise, Errol is himself the survivor of a traumatic brain injury. Since then, Doebler has become an advocate for speaking up in the military. Many feel discouraged to talk about their injuries or mental health problems, which is what led to Doebler’s own injury being untreated for so long.

Doebler is a phenomenal Navy SEAL speaker, and he will bring a spark back to your organization!

Carey Lorenz is an accomplished naval aviator and keynote speaker.

Carey Lohrenz

The first female F-14 fighter pilot, Carey Lohrenz has an extensive military career including operating in the high stress environment of an aircraft carrier. Lohrenz is also a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author.

In her keynotes, Carey shares her personal experiences working aboard an aircraft carrier. To be able to work effectively in this type of environment, one must be able to manage stress and make quick decisions. Carey knows what it’s like to work in high stress scenarios, where one wrong decision could result in consequences of catastrophic proportions. 

This is precisely how Carey will help your company, and it’s why so many companies request her as a speaker. The techniques that she has mastered to deal with high-stress situations help employees across many different industries.

She is one of the best military motivational speakers out there, and is also in high demand as a business consultant. Having been requested by Fortune 100 businesses, Lohrenz is no stranger to the corporate world. Carey shows audiences the techniques that some of the top companies in the world use to keep up with constantly changing business trends. 

FBI Crisis Management expert Jin Kim in a suit and tie standing in front of an American flag.

Jin Kim

Jin Kim is a twenty-three-year veteran of the FBI’s New York Division. He has served as the Active Shooter Coordinator on their Crisis Management Unit. Kim is an expert on active shooter risk mitigation as well as workplace violence prevention. 

Kim’s keynote speeches primarily focus on workplace safety, providing tools and strategies to prevent violence in the workplace. He is one of the leading authorities in crisis management. 

Jin Kim shows audiences and companies how to secure their workplace for the modern era. Jin discusses why and how crises can arise within the workplace, and then talks through simple preventative measures.

What is the most common workplace crisis? When should I be concerned?

Jin Kim has the answers to these questions and more. He will make sure you and your company are doing everything possible to improve the safety of your work environment. 

Blue Angles Pilot John Foley in a blue collar shirt with his arms held open.

John "Gucci" Foley

John “Gucci” Foley is a former lead solo pilot for the Blue Angels, and has been recognized as one of the top 10 most in demand speakers since 2015. Foley has spoken to organizations such as Google, Intel, and major national sporting leagues. Amazingly, John Foley was also the stunt pilot for the famous film, "Top Gun," and you can even see him in certain scenes of the film!

One of the top military motivational speakers, John’s goal is to bring the high-performance culture of the Blue Angels to your company. Only the best of the best fly with the Blue Angels. Not only did John become a Blue Angel, but he became the lead solo pilot. As a result of this, John has acquired a unique level of leadership that is unlike anything else. 

John emphasizes trust, both in peers, and within the hierarchical structure of organizations. As John demonstrates in his keynotes, trust is one of the number one keys to a well-functioning team. 

Audiences love him for his great advice, inspiring storytelling, and his ability to move audiences to rethink what is possible. He has an energizing delivery, a unique approach to teamwork, and a contagious attitude of gratitude that he calls Glad To Be Here®.

In 2011 John founded the Glad To Be Here Foundation, a charity which John donates 10% of his speaking fees to. 

Cyber Security Expert Prashanth Challa in a grey jacket and blue shirt with his arms folded.

Prashanth Challa

He is the leading expert on cybersecurity, cybersecurity technologies, and cyberattacks which has become increasingly common within the modern era. He has worked in the highest levels of our countries intelligence communities, including a brief career at the NSA. Currently, Prashanth works at Morgan Stanley helping to protect their clients from advanced cyberattacks. 

Prashanth will tell you himself, “there is no off switch in my position,” because the threat of a cyberattack is always a possibility. Now, more than ever, companies are feeling the pressure of an impending cyberattack.

Prashanth helps companies find potential security flaws, and then offers advice on how to fix these issues. Another topic that Prashanth covers, is the fact that most people do not realize that a cyberattack is imminent until it’s too late. In an effort to combat this, Prashanth offers practical advice that anyone can use to help prevent a cyberattack.

His profession and expertise is becoming increasingly valuable by the day. Individuals and corporations alike are at risk of a cyber breach, and so why not take more careful preventative measures?

Keynote Speaker and former Blue Angel Greg Wooldridge

Greg Wooldridge

Greg “Boss” Wooldridge is an exceptional Blue Angels pilot, and is the only 3-time commander in the history of the Blue Angels. Wooldridge was selected as a Blue Angels pilot for his ability to build strong, cohesive teams, and is the only commanding officer to lead the Blues on three separate tours.

Beginning with a culture that is founded on a sense of trust, Boss will guide you through a performance-elevating framework. Through his keynote speeches, Greg Wooldridge re-defines what leadership looks like.

Some of the things that Greg focuses on are, how to strengthen the trust between team members and how that can benefit everyone. You don’t become one of the top pilots in the world without knowing what it takes to work as a team. Greg shows the techniques he used to build some of the best teams of pilots in the world, and how these methods are applicable across any field.

Blue Angel Pilot Nate "Utah" Scott

Nate Scott

Yet another one of our distinguished Blue Angel pilots, Nate Scott has always believed in doing what you love. From when he was a child, it was his dream to become one of the Blue Angels. After several combat deployments, and becoming a fully qualified F/A 18 Flight Instructor, Nate finally saw that dream come to fruition when he was selected for the Blue Angels. 

Nate Scott is one of the best military motivational speakers in 2022. He was the Blue Angels Team’s Training Officer, and helped to lead some of the most successful teams in the history of the Blues. Nate Scott brings this unique training and knowledge to companies around the globe, pushing people to become better leaders. 

Keynote Speaker Chris Krebs

Chris Krebs

Chris Krebs served as the Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. He originally joined DHS in March of 2017, and first served as Senior Counselor to the Secretary, advising top leadership in the area of cyberattacks. 

Before working for the DHS, Krebs was a member of Microsoft's U.S. Government affairs team as the Director of Cybersecurity Policy. Companies love to hire Chris krebs because of his immense experience within cybersecurity. Krebs is hired as a n extremely popular military motivational speaker, for his cutting edge strategies on preventing and mitigating cyberattacks.With such a distinguished resume, it's no wonder why Chris Krebs is consistently cited as one of the leading experts in cybersecurity.

Having worked for the DHS, Chris Krebs is one of the most accomplished military motivational speakers to date.

Former NFL Player and speaker Alejandro Villanueva

Alejandro Villanueva

Not many people go from active military service to a professional football career. However, Alejandro Villanueva did just that, and after serving three tours in Afghanistan as an Army Ranger, he never forgot his dream of playing in the NFL.

He is, without a doubt, one of the best military motivational speakers currently available for hire. With an NFL career and a career in the military, Alejandro has so much team building expertise to offer. He is loved by small companies and large corporations alike, and he is also popular for events hosted and attended by veterans. 

Villanueva’s inspirational story of going from the military, straight to the NFL gets audiences thinking about the possibilities of their own career. 

Interested in Hiring the Best Military Motivational Speakers?

These military motivational speakers are some of the best you can hire. Moreover, they are some of the best speakers in general. Their charisma, knowledge, and ability get crowds fired up every single time, make them some of the best speakers in the industry. 

Furthermore, their individual experiences within the military have given them unique knowledge that not many others have. Being an effective leader in the military, means being able to make quick split second decisions that could have enormous consequences.

That’s why these military motivational speakers are some of the best around!


Upcoming Engagements

Aug 08 - 09 2024

Global Leadership Summit 2024 – Keynote Speaker Carey Lohrenz – Chicago, IL

Willow Creek Community Church
Aug 11 2024

Nationwide PrimeTime 2024 – Keynote Speaker Jon Dorenbos – Las Vegas, NV

The Venetian Expo
Aug 18 - 21 2024

Allied Solutions CNC’24 – Keynote Speaker Lisa Bodell – BC, Canada

The Fairmont Chateau Whistler
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