The General Store coworking space offers personal desks to all of its members.

Top 9 Reasons to Sign up for a Coworking Space

Coworking spaces have been growing in popularity over the years, and many companies are starting to see the benefits.

Why is coworking so popular? Hybrid work and coworking spaces are all over the profesional blog-sphere since the influx of workers returning to the office. Coworking spaces have been gaining popularity over the years, but they’ve especially become popular between 2020 and 2022. Many companies have made the switch following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Mollie Plotkin Group learned early on that utilizing a coworking space has many advantages. Our top 10 reasons for signing up for a coworking space are as follows: 

Instagram, Spotify, and Uber are just a few of the companies that have grown out of coworking spaces. 

According to an article published by Harvard Business Review, one reason why coworking spaces have become so popular is:

“They feel part of a community. Connections with others are a big reason why people pay to work in a communal space, as opposed to working from home for free or renting a nondescript office.”

Another reason companies are making the switch is because coworking spaces create an environment where collaboration is encouraged. This will help employees solidify co-worker bonds, and even learn new skills faster. 

This is just one reason why coworking spaces have become so popular. Another reason is flexibility, an idea that has skyrocketed in popularity since the pandemic.

And why not? It makes sense.

These days, working from home is incredibly easy. For many people who have been working through the pandemic, remote work has been life-changing. 

Companies want to encourage in-person work, but offer the flexibility of working remotely. Coworking spaces are the perfect middle ground. Employees are free to choose where and how they work.

The Mollie Plotkin Group agrees with this. As a quickly growing business, coworking spaces have allowed us to enjoy a comfortable and flexible workplace culture, and become a stronger team. 

However, coworking spaces are not just for growing businesses and freelancers.

All types of companies are making the switch, including larger scale companies such as Meta (formerly Facebook), HSBC, and IBM. These companies started using coworking spaces and have seen the benefits that they offer. 

Top 9 Reasons for Coworking Spaces

1. Choose the Right Culture For You

Coworking spaces house workers from various organizations and people of different demographics. Because a single company does not define the culture, individual workers have far more influence. In turn, the collective cultures of coworking spaces can vary drastically. 

“Workplace culture” may not be on the top of everyone’s list of career considerations, but it is highly impactful on office morale. Think about it. If you’re going to spend most of your day at work, why let it be stressful? 

For many, having a workplace culture that they identify with is essential to productivity. So, look around for a coworking space that suits your ideal environment

The General Store coworking space in Wilmington, DE has fresh coffee everyone morning!

Visit the coworking space in person before signing up for a membership, and see how everyone interacts. If you prefer to sit in silence while you work, but the kitchen gets far too loud in the afternoon, that coworking space may not be for you. 

That’s one reason why coworking spaces are so popular and we can not reccomend them enough. We have the freedom to choose the culture that is right for us.  

2. Teams Can Get More Done in Person

Working from home is convenient, it’s the one thing we can all agree on. But sometimes, being with your team in person is the best way to go. 

Working in person will also allow for easier communication within your team. In fact, research shows that as tasks get more complicated they are more and more difficult to complete virtually. 

Sure, it’s convenient to call into a work meeting in your pajamas, giving a yes or no on ideas. However, once you get rolling on a project, the limitations of virtual meetings can get frustrating. 

For example, on Zoom or Google Hangouts, screen sharing can only go one way. But in person, two people can work side-by-side with both of their screens in view of one another. 

Research shows that this is especially true as the task gets more complicated. You could imagine how much easier it is to talk through a complex project in person, rather than try to explain it over the internet. 

3. Workers Do Not Need to Come in Every Day

Coworking spaces offer a hybrid-working solution for businesses, large and small. This is because coworking spaces operate independently of the businesses that work within them. 

They don’t have to come into the coworking space every day, but it’s always there if you need a spot to get work done. In addition, employees can choose to stay for half a day and work the rest from home. The flexible schedule employees get from a coworking space is greatly appreciated. 

Coworking spaces are popular with workers that have been enjoying the benefits of working from home but would like to be in-person as well. 

4. Cheaper Than Leasing Out an Entire Office Building

This is critical for small business owners who want a spot for their employees to get together and collaborate. But even after the pandemic, leasing an office space is still very pricey. 

Coworking spaces offer all of the benefits of regular office spaces, plus more. Not to mention, most importantly, you’re getting all of this at a very reduced price. 

For business owners who don’t want to spend an exorbitant amount of money on leasing an office space, this is a fantastic option. Even if you already have a dedicated office space, offering coworking spaces is still a good idea.

You’re not spending a ton of money, and as an employer, you will certainly stand out to people searching for jobs. This will significantly maximize the talent pool that you bring in. 

5. Less Commitment Than Leasing an Office Building

Think of all the money that businesses wasted on office buildings during 2020 and 2021, only to have all of their employees work from home. 

If you rent out a coworking space and employees aren’t showing up as often as you’d like, that is disappointing, but at least you’re not out thousands of dollars. Not only that but you’re not locked into a contractual agreement in the same way you would be with a lease.

6. Making Connections

Especially in bigger companies, workers might have no clue what’s happening in another department. One of the problems with working in office spaces is that you’re confined to your own bubble. 

Many people from all sorts of professions work in these spaces. So this is a perfect opportunity, for especially younger workers, to learn about other professions and team dynamics. 

Employees working in confined offices are missing out on meeting people from different industries. Making connections is key to growing as a professional, and is yet another benefit of coworking spaces. 

In addition to this, you have the opportunity to get to know other people within your company. Many of us know what it feels like to be compartmentalized within an organization. So, getting to know someone who works within a different department of your company is a breath of fresh air. 

This allows employees to fully understand the inner workings of the company, and everyone feels like they are part of the team!

7. Coworking Spaces Add Variety to Workers Days

The flexibility that coworking spaces offer helps to add variety to peoples’ day. Will they choose to spend all day at the office? Maybe they’ll choose to meet up with a friend in the area after work. 

Think about it this way- if you’re spending all day trudging through the same routine, would you be excited to go to work? This is the type of thing that really matters to people, having flexibility and choosing how to use it. 

Studies show that flexibility within the workplace is becoming increasingly important for workers who are looking for jobs. Offering flexibility at work will bring in better talent, allowing you to find the best person for the job. 

8. Having a Business Address at the Building

Building a clientele list is difficult, but necessary. You need a consistent business address where your prospects can reach you. Many people may decide to use a home address as their main business address. However, having a dedicated address and place of business looks much more professional.

Start putting it on business cards, your website, even your social media pages. Let everyone know you now have a base of operations.

Now you have a place to hold meetings with clients and co-workers, you have a workplace that looks professional, and that is something that you should show off. This is why coworking is so popular with freelance workers and small businesses.

9. Workers Have Their Own Options Depending on Their Locality

Another unique aspect of coworking spaces is that workers choose a spot on their own. This means they will choose coworking spaces that might be closer to them, shortening their commute.

Companies that have dedicated office spaces cannot offer this level of versatility to their employees. That is, workers can’t choose where their company’s office is, and once they actually work there, they don’t have a say over the culture and feel of the office. 

These are things that the employees of today are becoming increasingly aware of, and something that the next generation will consider more essential. If companies move in the direction of versatility now, they will only see maximized benefits down the road. 

At the General Store coworking space, members have access to their own personal desks.

Considering Moving to a Coworking Space?

Well, we certainly think that could be a positive decision to make for your business. In fact, the Mollie Plotkin Group has been working out of The General Store, a coworking space in Wilmington, Delaware. 

This coworking space has numerous benefits such as free coffee, a full access kitchen, and high-speed internet. The General Store also has a bookable conference room for meetings and a larger room for events. The General Store is one of the better coworking spaces in the area, and that’s why we have been using it since day one! 

As we’ve mentioned earlier, coworking spaces are perfect for us and what we do at the Mollie Plotkin Group. We are a keynote speakers agency offering a variety of speakers from all walks of life. If there is a specific type of keynote speaker you need for your next event, whether it be an athlete or an entrepreneurial speaker, we can absolutely set you up with the perfect keynote speaker.

Are you looking for someone like Edwin Moses, an olympian and gold medalist? Or maybe you’re looking for someone more like Prashanth Challa, a renowned cyber-security expert. Either way, we have many speakers like them and more. Contact us today and start booking for your upcoming events!


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