
The Fastest Way to Get on Clubhouse, and Why Keynote Speakers are Leading the Way

In one quick read, we’ll get you up to speed with everything you need to know about Clubhouse, a company that was valued at $4 million in April 2021.

In one quick read, we’ll get you up to speed with everything you need to know about Clubhouse, a company that was valued at $4 billion in April 2021


Image via @joinClubhouse

There’s a new social media app that just had its fifteen minutes of fame, from break-out hit, to controversy, to a foretold downfall. Don’t be discouraged by the sensational headlines of a whopping three months of events—or if you haven’t been following this trend—let’s start off on the right foot.

  • What is Clubhouse?
  • Why is Clubhouse the social media frontier for keynote speakers?
  • What is actually the best way to get on Clubhouse?

In one quick read, we’ll get you up to speed with everything you need to know about Clubhouse, a company that was valued at $4 billion in April 2021

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is the social media platform for CEOs, entrepreneurs, influencers, and professional speakers. It is the current leading service providing an exclusive invite-only network giving it a prestigious and mystifying reputation. 

Members of this elite group can host and join live audio-chat discussions with top players in their industry for exclusive insights on all of the latest trends. 

Exposés on the fame and supposed folly of Clubhouse are featured on reputable publications such as Business Insider, but no one’s answering the questions that we’re all wondering. 

Why is Clubhouse the Social Media Frontier for Keynote Speakers?

The present social media landscape has been an awkward fit for keynote speakers. The issue? None of it is geared specifically towards live speaking. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, they all offer live-streaming as a supplementary channel, not the main focus. Not only that, but these public apps (and many others such as Houseparty) lack professional prestige and reputation. 

In fact, getting to participate in discussions with highly sough-after keynote speakers is one of the most coveted benefits of joining clubhouse. According to Julia McCoy in an article published by, her virtual experience was astounding for this very reason.

Because, as you sit in and find out, one speaker is responsible for over $10 million in sales. He’s also sold enough of his own books to make The Wall Street Journal bestselling list. Another one runs the largest conference in the social media industry and reaches 90 million people on a regular basis with his website. And yet another is an in-demand keynote speaker, paid over five figures to come and give a 30-minute talk.


Join the massive network of Clubhouse, with notable users like Elon Musk, and start boosting your platform on the app that was made for public speaking. By reserving a username and building a following while the community is still exclusive, you can capitalize on these benefits.

What is the fastest way to get on Clubhouse?


First off, sign up for their wait list, then there are three ways you’ll get admitted:

  • A founder invites you on.
  • A current member uses one of their two limited invites, or
  • A current member that has you in their contacts gets a notification that you’re on the waiting list.

Having a contact that is already on Clubhouse is the best way to be admitted because they do not have to worry about using one of their two limited invites to bring you on board. In order to qualify as a contact these requirements must be met:

  • The Clubhouse member has your phone number in their contacts. 
  • You and the Clubhouse member have had a text message exchange.
  • You’re connected to each other on Twitter and Instagram.

Now you’re stuck in a “chicken or the egg” situation. You’re on the waiting list to get on Clubhouse, and all you need is someone that you know to let you in. However, you don’t know which of your contacts are able to do that because you don’t have access to the app’s user search.

How to find people you know on Clubhouse, before you’re invited.

Luckily, there are tools that utilize the Clubhouse API to allow anyone to search users from outside the app. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a tool that developers use to allow their proprietary apps to communicate with Clubhouse. You can find people you know on Clubhouse before being invited by using an application that utilizes this API. 

Was clubhouse user data hacked through their API?

In early April 2021, many tech publications blasted alarming headlines about a supposed “hack” of user data. However, this was a massively misleading narrative, and Clubhouse themselves dismissed it

While we do not recommend downloading massive lists of usernames compiled by anonymous “hackers” to search for connections on Clubhouse, there are many safe, free, and publicly available websites that anyone can use.

Search Clubhouse users through is a database of Clubhouse users that does not require registration or any personal information. As per the limitations of the public information that Clubhouse knowingly releases through their API, users with more followers get indexed more often. However, any user that has been registered for at least one month is listed.

Now, time to start searching for those connections! Go down your contacts and look for anyone who may have already been invited. When you find someone that you’re personally familiar with, follow them on twitter and Instagram and make sure that you qualify as a contact.

Once you’re on the clubhouse waitlist, any of your contacts may be notified with an opportunity to invite you onto clubhouse without using any of their limited invites.

The Mollie Plotkin Group is Looking Forward to Clubhouse

The Mollie Plotkin Group sees the potential for Clubhouse to become an even greater force in the social media sphere. Some of our featured speakers, like executive coach AK Ikwuakor, are already making waves on this new platform. Contact us today to book any of our top branding experts that can help your company get in the spotlight.



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