May 09 2023

Empower Prague – Keynote Speaker Keren Elazari

International security analyst, founder of Israel’s largest security community event, author, and TED talk speaker Keren Elazari will be the keynote speaker at Empower Prague on May 9, 2023.

Hire Keynote Speaker Keren Elazari

Keynote Speaker Keren Elazari AKA k3r3n3

International security analyst, founder of Israel’s largest security community event, author, and TED talk speaker Keren Elazari is a leading voice for women in cybersecurity and tech; featured by Forbes and Biztech magazine

Hire Keren Elazari Today – Speak with a Mollie Plotkin Group Booking Agent on how to hire, cost to hire, and terms & conditions.

The event is finished.

May 09 2023
8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Prague Congress Centre
5. května 1640/65, 140 21 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia

All event details are limited and subject to change.

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